About us

Ehya Tarh Maham engineering company is based on knowledge and experience of a group of professional and skilled engineers in mine and mineral industry, aimed on giving services to administer industrial projects with maximal efficiency, quality and profitability.‬
This company executes projects on turn-key basis within the framework of EPC including financial support, technical -financial inspection, designing, control and management of projects, engineering services, equipment procurement, installation, technical inspection, execution management, site supervision, operation and maintenance.
Human and managing potential of this company along with close cooperation with scientific and research centers and utilization of brilliant national resources has led to bolstering engineering expertise and ensuring the prevention of occupational hazards in mineral industry.

Management system certificates

Commitment and expertise, accuracy with speed, trust and accuracy in the implementation of work, system approach and emphasis on quality control, is the core policy of the company's activities..
Ehya Tarh Maham Engineering Co., a company with a professional team and a set of standards and certifications, is trying to always apply all the standards in their work.

Business Areas

• Management, engineering and supply of the ferrous industry
• Management, engineering and supply of non-ferrous industry
• Management, engineering, equipment supply and implementation in oil and gas industry
• Management, engineering, equipment supply and implementation of crushing plants
• Management, engineering, equipment supply and implementation of concentration plants